Food in Ghana is really good. This simple sentence could describe what I and Ana think about food we eat here. Since I have tried different food during my stay in Finland, UK or Singapore I was generally not optimistic towards African food, but here we both were surprised. Our schedule is quite busy so we generally stick to two big meals (breakfast and dinner), sometimes when we are hungry in between we grab some snacks, which we usually buy in Tema. They come in different kinds and size but it’s always nice to explore local food (we usually buy snacks from wandering ladies caring them on their heads).
Since almost every week we encounter something new I’m introducing “Food of the week”. You find it on right sidebar (it will include photo of food, short description and price). I have already 3 proposals but let’s start from something nice, which I really enjoy. Hen gizzard-on-a-stick. As you can see it’s made from first cooked, than fired gizzards, with some onion and pepper, it’s really spicy and good! Gizzard-on-a-stick comes in quantity of 3 for 5000 Cedi, quite good deal I must admit.
Anyway back to topic. As I wrote we eat breakfast and dinner. Our first meal is mostly European like, so there is not much to write about. Many ppl here eat Kenke for breakfast, but we don’t like it, so we stay with our European one (Kenke is made from fermented corn, can’t tell exactly how it is made and what’s in it. For us it’s too sour). I think it’s worth mentioning that yellow cheese is quite expensive here and not popular I guess, same about smoked meats and meat other than chicken, goat and fish.
As for dinner, here we always eat local food. I won’t list or name all we eat (this will anyway sooner or later go to “Food of the week” section). I’ll write that local food consists mainly of rice or yam potatoes (Sometimes we also get boiled green bananas – they taste like normal potatoes and can’t be eaten raw) with different kind of spicy sauce with smashed vegetables and meat or fish in it. Generally if you like spicy food – Ghana is the place. Be ready for lots of bones or fish bones in your meal (this includes fish head and flippers).
What do we drink? Besides tea or coffee we drink here cocoa (Ghana is, one of the biggest exporters of cocoa in the world); cocoa is a bit different here – maybe because it’s 100% cocoa in cocoa (I’ve been told that in other places they mix it wit some stuff). Anyway it’s really good and worth trying. There is also instant drink based on cocoa – it’s called Milo, also nice and tasty. Add to this fruit juice (all exotic favours) and water.
Since I’m a predator I don’t eat fruits, I only stick to juices;). On the other hand Ana loves fruits here and eats lots of them (this includes oranges, bananas, water melons, etc.). You can see how different oranges look here in Ghana. I assure you they are better in taste than what you can buy in Poland (at least that’s what Ana says).
Ok as usual enjoy pics:) I’ll try to put descriptions to them so you can see what’s what. Stay tuned for incoming notes – I plan to write about water, rain and electricity.

That's fufu - national meal of Ghana:) (made from maniok and green bananas, with spicy soup with chicken/goat/gizzard meat inside)

Here we have starting from left - maniok, kenke and green bananas (when you enlarge pic you will see my cool paint markers), than oranges and on the right yam potato.