Meet Meat Pie!
By popular demand...
I'm presenting new Food of The Week!!! :)
Everyone - meet Meat Pie!
Some of you already read about it in one of previous notes (about Fan Ice), where I wrote that you can buy it along with Fan Ice - from Fan Milk seller.
What is Meat Pie one can ask? Well it's made of extremely dry pie with “surprise” inside (by dry I mean I can’t eat it alone without drinking). Surprise can be: unidentified meat, onion (as on the picture), sausage (than its called sausage roll). It’s worth mentioning that usually you don’t know what you get inside - you discover it while eating (exception is sausage where you can tell by the look). Another important thing is that each meat pie consists about 95 to 99% and 1% of filling ;P Honestly I don’t know why they call it meat pie, when sometimes you can’t find anything inside… On the other hand what do you expect for 2000 Cedis:D
Below pictures of our new celebrity:

This one came in plastic bag, but it can also come wrapped in paper (newspaper being specific)
PS. New food of the week is ready too, but I will let you enjoy this one for a while!
wygląda smakowicie mniamm ;]
welcome to Ghana!
um well you should go to a real restaurant or something if you want real meatpie. I guess most locals already know what they will get when they buy from the ice cream sellers. they are just small business ppl who cant afford to put too much actual meat in their pies. try going to Bay View the hotel/pool. its kind of around tetteh kwashie and emmanuel eye clinic. i havent been there for a while but their pies were amazing..they have other places that have heavenly meat pies but i cant remember the names..
oh yeah, one question. why dont you ever really talk about the local ppl you meet?
You white people always have to say the negative about things in Afirca. Let me ask you in your country, does your food always taste wet and good and has meaning to what it's called. Get out of Ghana if you have nothing good to say. I am sick of white folks like you!!!!
It's too bad about that last comment. I find your blog to be informative. It's true that it's not very people-oriented. It's more about things like electricity, water, real estate, etc. But these are also things that people need to know about. Not everyone writes about the same subjects. And I get the feeling that in general you feel good about Ghana and life there.
I think it's really nice. And listen, look what I found today: Baroudi's daughter tries to crawl for the first time in her life. Is is so cute, you can see it here:
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