We’re back & Harmattan
Long story short – we’re back to
Also we’re in the middle of Harmattan – period of year where you experience really warm (sometimes hot) and dry winds from over
Here are some pictures of how things look like atm – enjoy:)

While we were absent 2 other things happened – one good and one bad;/
Remember Peace? Cute little doggy we have? Well she’s now proud dog – mother of 6 beautiful puppies. Bad news… is that their father Jupiter is dead:( While we were back home decision was made he has to be made hmm not able to have any more little dogs. They called pet doc… and he screwed his job… 2 or 3 days after surgery Jupi died. We will always remember him – not often one can meet such cheerful and friendly dog. I personally believed he was born to go and work in circus… now I can’t even take pictures what tricks he was able to do, including his main one – walking on two legs only!
Anyway here are pics of Jupi and his descendants.
dlatego mnie prosze nigdy nie kastrowac!!
Pieski są śliczne
oglądamy razem z Agnieszką
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Czekamy na grudzień - ponoć wtedy wracacie
Too bad about the dog dying. That's a simple operation and that vet must not have been qualified.
I lived in Libya and Saudi Arabia and I remember how, when the dust blows it gets on everything, covering it like a blanket. Ugh, I don't miss that part of it.
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