Ghana note 1
Since I’m busy with work and can’t spend enough time on writing nice new note, I decided to introduce “
So here it goes –
Last weekend we had time change – at least for most of countries in the world.
Two weeks ago we did examination of our blood – it turned out we had malaria bacteria in our blood. Looks like it’s not a big deal here at all. We did not feel ill or something, also doc said it’s common for foreigners to get malaria from mosquitoes. He gave us pills which cleared our blood out of malaria bacteria in 4 days. Now we are again ready for new mosquito’s bites!
Third and last fact. Everywhere on the streets you can find ppl selling illegal dvd’s. They have latest movies as well as bigger collections (7 in 1 DVD) of classic movies – recently I have seen best of Al Pacino (just an example). What is interesting too, ppl here love martial arts action movies – Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan are most popular I guess;) You can buy movies with them almost from every movie seller!

euroagd ownz ;]
No juz nie moge sie doczekac kiedy przyjedziecie Buziolki ;*;*;* Pozdrawiamy A i S
ref: change of time - you losted one hour of sleep
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