Every one knows what rain is, also every one knows its meaning to nature and humans. Its meaning in Africa is even bigger. Here in Ghana rain falls only during rain seasons – there are two during each year – first around March/April and second around July/September (I don’t know exact dates since we are to short here to find out and while I’m writing this note there is no one I could ask;) ).
Why rain and electricity? Answer is simple. Ghana has (from what I know) only water plants – located on Volta Lake. So when water level goes down (in dry seasons for example) power supply is low. What does it mean? Well as a result of that once each 3 days we have no power for 12 hours. One time it’s from 6am till 6pm, other time it’s from 6pm till 6am. Since we don’t have power generator – this means no lights, no internet and no air condition;/ (good news for us is that we are already searching for proper power generator and hopefully we will get one soon, so no more problems with electricity!).
Side note: some ppl say that lack of power comes also from to high contracts Ghanaian government signed which obligates Ghana to provide fixed amount of power to its neighbors.
Anyway rains here in Africa are usually really strong and sudden. One moment sun is shining and than out of nothing you get clouds everywhere on the sky, rains follows shortly. It’s worth mentioning that when rain falls plants start to grow rapidly and everything looks much cleaner!
When we came to Ghana it was ending of rain season, till now it rains one or two times per week, but it’s much hotter than it was at the beginning (from 25-28 degrees to 30-35 now). Thanks to that I was able to take few pictures of how it looks when it’s raining here:)

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